Children’s Dentistry

Pediatric Services

Because both their teeth and their dental hygiene habits are still developing, children have unique dental needs. In our office, we begin seeing children at 2 years of age to begin good oral hygiene habits.

Our dental examinations help ensure that your children’s teeth are developing properly, while checking for warning signs of any future problems. Additionally, our team will help teach your children positive dental hygiene habits, such as proper brushing and flossing techniques, that will serve as the foundation for their good oral health.

Comprehensive Oral Evaluation

An oral evaluation is recommended every six (6) months to prevent cavities and other dental problems. During an oral evaluation, a thorough examination of the mouth, head, and neck is performed to detect abnormalities.

Dental Cleanings (Prophylaxis)

Regular cleanings help keep gums healthy and teeth cavity-free. A dental cleaning includes removal of tartar and plaque and polishing of the teeth to remove stains and prevent further buildup of plaque.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a natural substance that helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Fluoride treatments are administered at this office as an important component of pediatric dental treatment. The fluoride is applied to the teeth in a gel, foam, or varnish form.

Oral Hygiene Instructions

During a regular check-up, oral hygiene instructions are given to both patient and parent. Good home care can reduce the risk of plaque and tartar build-up which can lead to cavities. Instructions include proper techniques for brushing, flossing, and using mouth rinses.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are made of a safe resin material which is applied to the surfaces of teeth (commonly permanent molars) to prevent cavities. The sealant material fills in the crevices of a tooth and “seals” off the tooth from cavity-causing agents like food and plaque. The teeth are prepared for the sealant application and the sealant is painted directly onto the chewing surface of each tooth and then hardens. Sealants are applied in one visit.